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Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center

Team Info

University of Bordeaux (Ubx) is a multidisciplinary University counting about 45.000 students and 5630 staff. UBx offers 245 curricula leading to national degrees and about 35 international master and doctorate programmes. Over the past 15 years, UBx has been actively contributing to the strengthening of the European and Higher Education and Research Areas by welcoming more than 6220 foreign students and developing an extensive network of more than 200 partners. UBx has also developed a solid expertise in the development of joint curricula in the frame of European programmes, especially within the frame of Erasmus Mundus. UBx is participating in 9 EM joint programmes at master and PhD levels (incl. 5 as a coordinator) and regularly takes part in networks to support the internationalization of studies thought the exchange of good practices (EUA-CDE, JOIMAN and JOI.CON

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