Development and Integration of Decision-making Tools in Data Analysis Procedures for HTS-based Plant Virus Diagnostics
Kaoutar Daoud / Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School

Kaoutar Daoud
I graduated with a master's degree in Big Data and Cloud Computing from Ibn-Tofail University (Kenitra, Morocco). My master thesis focused on the application of machine learning to information security in Big Data environments. I proposed a multi agent systems architecture for malicious job detection, and a misuse intrusion detection framework based on supervised learning methods. But it was during the studies that I have developed an interest in machine learning applied to medical diagnosis data. During one project, I have reviewed the literature and compared different machine learning methods for predictive models in radiation oncology.
Now, as ESR13 within INEXTVIR, I have the oppurtunity to use computer science in order to contribute to the better understanding, control and exploitation of selected agricultural crops virome.