Effect of habitat biodiversity on the virome of wild plants and crops

Adrian Zamfir / UPM

Adrian Zamfir

Hi everyone! I am a young doctoral researcher passionate about plant virus ecology, plant pathology and NGS technologies


I graduated from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with a B.Sc. in Agro-environmental engineering. Then, I moved to Universität Hohenheim (Stuttgart, Germany) where I completed the last year of my bachelors. I loved the experience so I decided to stay on, and I completed a master’s degree in Crop Sciences with a major in Plant Nutrition and Protection. Finally, I performed my M.Sc. thesis at Koppert Biological Systems (Rotterdam, Netherlands) thanks to an Erasmus+ grant. These interdisciplinary experiences gave me a solid training in plant protection, and made me focus on plant viruses.

In my spare time, I like doing weight training, going to the gym, and playing sports outdoors, During weekends, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. On holidays, I love travelling to other countries, discovering new cities and trying new foods and sorts of craft beer.