Risk-benefit communication and Knowledge exchange platform

Johny Hilaire / Newcastle University

Johny Hilaire

I am Currently a Marie Curie Early Career Researcher as part of the INEXTVIR Project and I have a keen interest in agricultural policy.


I hold an MSc in Public Policy from the University of Erfurt, a BSc in Philosophy from the University of Campinas. My theoretical knowledge of agricultural policy is augmented by hands-on experience in this sector. My agricultural ‘Goat Breeding for Entrepreneurship’ project won first prize in the commitment award at Erfurt University. During my masters, I worked as a public policy intern in the office of the assistant secretary-general at the Organization of American States in the USA. Hitherto, I obtained two merited-based international scholarships, including CAPES for bachelors in Brazil, and DAAD for masters in Germany.

After daily hours of working, reading and writing, and other scheduled tasks done, I refresh myself either by playing football with friends or watching online football matches. I also develop my talents in website development where I showcase my strong interest in professional experiences in both academia and international organisations.