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Complete genome sequence of almond luteovirus 1, a novel luteovirus species infecting almond

Maryam Khalili, Thierry Candresse, Chantal Faure, Armelle Marais * INRAE, Univ. Bordeaux, UMR BFP, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon, France * Corresponding author: In this study, we report the complete genome sequence of a novel luteovirus detected in almonds using high-throughput sequencing.

The genome of the new luteovirus comprises 5,047 nucleotides, and its genomic organization is similar to that of the recently described nectarine stem pitting associated virus (NSPaV), with only four open reading frames encoding for replication related proteins, the coat protein (CP) and a CP readthrough protein involved in the aphid transmission of luteovirids. Phylogenic and pairwise distance analyses showed hat this virus shares 79% and 57.8% amino acid identities in the P1-P2 fusion protein and the P3-P5 protein, respectively, with the most closely related luteovirus NSPaV, suggesting that it represents a novel species for which the name of Almond associated luteovirus 1 is proposed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an almond-infecting luteovirus.

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