Survey of the impact of cultural practices on the virome of vegetable production systems and effect on sustainability

Coline Temple / Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Université de Liège

First report of Apium virus Y in wild carrot (Daucus carota ssp. carota) in Spain

20 February 2023

First report of carrot torrado virus 1 (CaTV1) naturally infecting carrots in Spain

20 February 2023


Identification oftwo novel putative satellite RNAs withhammerhead structures inthevirome ofFrench andSpanish carrot samples

20 February 2023


Diversity of polerovirus-associated RNAs in the virome of wild and cultivated carrots

20 February 2023

Complete genome sequence of almond luteovirus 1, a novel luteovirus infecting almond

29 June 2021